Caption = "Click buttons in sequential order to see things work properly. Then, delete the db and/or try things out of order or click buttons more than once to see the errors generated and trapped."
Height = 855
Left = 240
TabIndex = 10
Top = 0
Width = 4335
Sub cmdAddField_Click ()
End Sub
Sub cmdAddPrimaryKey_Click ()
End Sub
Sub cmdDemoDtaCtrl_Click ()
form2.Show 1
End Sub
Sub cmdDemoDupeErr_Click ()
'the primary key must be unique and if
'the project is run in order, Tucson
'will already be in the database
End Sub
Sub cmdEnd_Click ()
End Sub
Sub cmdKillMDBFile_Click ()
'Global Const MB_YESNO = 4 ' Yes and No buttons
'Global Const IDYES = 6 ' Yes button pressed
'Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ' Second button is default
Dim response As Integer
response = MsgBox("Are sure you want to delete the MDB database?", MB_YESNO + MB_DEFBUTTON2)